IV Treatments
Based on your symptoms, our experts will help choose which treatment will be most beneficial for you. We offer customized Drips and Boosters that maximize health, performance recovery, wellness, and beauty all while relaxing in one of our IV lounges.

IV Services

Treatment During Pregnancy
This drip is created to relieve any adverse pregnancy symptoms. The safety of you and your baby is our priority. IV fluids , Zofran, B12, B-Complex
Prenatal & Recover
- 1 Liter
Diet and Weight loss
Helps boost metabolism and suppress appetite. IV fluids, B-Complex, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and includes MIC (Methionine, Inositol, choline, B12)
Reduce & Revive (Myers Cocktail )
- 0.5 Liter

Semaglutide weight loss shot
FDA approved compounded form of Ozempic is an antidiabetic medication used for the treatment of weight loss.Weekly injection.
- 0.25 mg - 0.5mg
- 1 mg
- 1.5 mg
- 2 mg
- 2.5 mg - 3.5 mg+
- 4.0 mg
- 4.5 mg
Hydrates and improves dry skin, wrinkles, skin blemishes, and aging. IV fluids, Vitamin C, B12, B-complex, Calcium, Magnesium, Mineral blend (Zinc, Manganese, copper, Sodium selenite) Followed by IV push: Glutathione
- 0.5 Liter
- 1 Liter

Other Treatments
- 1 Liter
This drip gives you hydration with a little boost of energy to help put that pep back in your step! IV fluids, Vitamin C, B12, B-complex.
Weight Loss Program
- 4 week
Specialized physician managed plan including: appetite suppressant medication , MICC (lipo shot) weekly for 4 weeks. The MICC shot supports weight loss, increases metabolism, detoxifies liver, promotes deep sleep and regulates insulin levels. Add on Reduce IV drip.
NAD + IM Injection
All the benefits of the NAD+ IV without the time constraint. It is recommended to complete a series of 4 NAD + IV Infusions before starting IM injections.
50mg dose & 100mg dose
4 pack 50mg & 4 pack 100mg
- 1 Liter
Improves recovery after workouts; restores electrolyte imbalances and nutrient deficiencies. IV fluids, B-Complex, B12, B5, Vitamin C.
Complete Serenity
- 1 Liter
The most powerful punch you can get in one visit. This combination of all 8 drips provides the most benefit and targets all areas of recovery, energy, detoxification, and total body replenishment. B12, B-Complex, B5, B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, Amino Blend, Mineral Blend, Magnesium, Taurine, Biotin, Optional: Zofran and Toradol Followed by: Glutathione IV Push.
- 500 mg
For anti-aging and a brain reboot. Form of Vitamin B3, which helps protect tissues, induce DNA repair and aids ATP energy production. For optimal results, complete a series of 4.
IV Boosters
- Zinc
Helps the immune system.
- Extra Fluids (0.5 liter)
Add extra saline to your IV drip.
- Glutathione
Antioxidant that detoxifies the liver and slows aging.
- CoQ10 (IM Injection)
Acts as an antioxidant that protects from free radicals and boosts energy.
- Lipo-B
Supports weight loss, increases metabolism, detoxifies liver, promotes deep sleep, and regulates insulin levels.
- Amino Max Blend (IV Fusion Only)
Immunity, muscle, and metabolism support. (Carnitine, lysine, glutamine, citrulline, arginine, and ornithine.)
- Oxygen (10 Minutes)
20 Minutes
30 Minutes
Additional cost to add on to IV Therapy for 30 minutes
- Biotin
Helps strengthen hair, skin, and nails.
- Vitamin C
Boosts immunity and supports collagen formation.
- MIC (Lipo Shot)
Helps metabolize fat, removes liver toxins, and increases energy.
- Vitamin B12
Boosts energy, increases metabolism rate, and regulates sleep, mood, and appetite.
- Folic Acid
Helps depression, regulates mood, and helps the body produce and maintain new cells.
- Vitamin D3 (each)
Great antiviral immune support. Helps build strong bones. Important for overall wellness. A 4-pack of 25,000 IU is available.
- Lipo-Mino Mix + L - Carnitine
Enhances metabolism, promotes dafe weight loss. Helps transport fats into muscle cells for energy production.
- REJUVAshot “Jesus Shot”
A combination of steroids and vitamins given to help diminish chronic inflammation. Our goals is to alleviate aches, pain and stiffness.